yourtown’s mission to enable young people, especially those who are marginalised and without voice, to improve their quality of life. Learn about yourtown’s service design practice working with young people with lived experience of mental health challenges.
Yourtown is one of Australia’s best-known youth organisations. Recently it has begun its human-centred design practice in the redesign of its service offerings across mental health. With this, yourtown has committed to build on its youth participation practice by working towards the Imaginarium, a space where young people lead and train others in service design. As part of this emerging practice the service redesign team hired its first two associate designers, two young people with lived experience of mental health challenges, to train as and lead service design work.
In this session Dr Lena Belin and colleagues from the service redesign team will share their journey as individuals and as part of an organisation on what the journey has been like and where it’s going.
About Dr Lena Belin
Dr. Lena Belin is a Design Director at Accenture Song (formerly Fjord), as well as an expert advisor to yourtown’s service redesign program. She is most known for her work in strategy and service innovation, human-centred design and digital transformation in government and non-profit organisations. Her passion for social impact has helped her build and scale innovation teams and approaches in the areas of disability, diversity and inclusion, housing, health, sustainability, youth and public services. She has a particular interest in participatory design as well as creative storytelling approaches as tools of advocacy.